Improvised Weapons Training

/Improvised Weapons Training
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Never be unarmed again! In the event, you don’t have access to a firearm, this course teaches you to identify and utilize common hand-held items that can give you the decisive advantage in a violent physical encounter. Learn how to identify, access and employ every-day items in your environment to defend yourself if necessary.

Ever watch movies like Jason Bourne and The Accountant where the good guys use improvised edged, impact and flexible (towels, belts, etc.,) to get themselves out of nasty situations? Like them, you’ll be introduced to techniques using “weapons of opportunity” for self-defense that can be found in your home, at work or anywhere you go. Easy-to-master skills work best for the professionals and that’s what you’ll be taught here. No previous experience is necessary – there is no prerequisite for this course.

Instruction Includes: How to run a resource assessment listing and quickly identify improvised weapons, how to access and effectively deploy improvised edged weapons (knife, broken glass, credit card), impact weapons and small hand-held “weapons” such as flashlights, pens, rolled magazines, and the like, and flexible weapons such as your jacket, belt, a hand-towel, trash-can liner, purse-strap and even your shirt.

Lake Forest, CA         Register