Bad things happen to good people. Terrorist attacks, home invasions, active shootings, cyber threats, kidnappings and homicides are just a fact of life today. We can either accept this reality and be willing to do something about it, or deny the facts and suffer the effects of being potentially blindsided. John Adams, the second president of the United States said, “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts…” Those who choose to accept the fact that bad things happen to good people are one step closer in preparation to handle such events than those living in denial. When it comes to managing a real-world physical threat—ranging from a guy walking up to you at a remote gas station asking for a handout, to finding yourself in the middle of an active shooting and everything in between—it all boils down to control. Either you control the threat or the threat controls you. To stop a threat, you first need to know how to take control of it. The critical question is: How do you control a threat? Step one in controlling anything is…Read More