The holidays are traditionally a time for joy and celebration so the very last thing anyone wants to think about during the holidays is personal safety. However, regardless of how you may feel about it, we still live in challenging times. If you do care your own personal security and that of your family, there are a few tips that can give you the upper hand, should anything happen, while placing your mind at ease.

Tip 1. Mindset

The majority believe that they are impervious to bad things that happen to good people. “It will never happen to me” they say. Others are convinced that “someone else will handle it.” The one and only mindset that will truly support your efforts is “personal security is my responsibility.”

Once you come to the realization that bad things really do happen to good people and that you are your own first responder, then this places you ahead of the action-reaction power curve by being mentally prepared.

Tip 2. Awareness

Any other time of the year, we are normally very busy with family, work and living life. However, during the holidays there may be added family obligations, appointments, travel plans and the like. Now add a third layer of complexity to all the above such as a target rich environment for predators and opportunists, especially during the holidays.

Forewarned is forearmed. Applying good situational awareness to multiple layers of complexity, doesn’t mean just placing your eyeballs on something but mentally connecting to your environment for input of relevant information and to process potential threat indicators such as anomalies.

Trust your gut. If it doesn’t look right, feel right or seem right, then it’s probably not right!

Tip 3. Planning

Faced with an active killer in a shopping mall, your two choices are to freeze in place with your mouth open or take positive action. Taking positive action means planning ahead. Planning before it hits the fan should include considerations such as: Where is the nearest safe area? Is it back at the car? Exterior to the building? How do I get there? Where are my points of cover and concealment along the way? and the like.

Tip 4. Balance

Some believe that thinking about safety and security during the holidays is being paranoid, but there’s a difference between being paranoid and being prepared. Being paranoid means you’re delusional whereas being prepared affords you a tremendous advantage in the event of an active threat. A big part of being your own first-responder is finding that comfortable balance between being prepared and enjoying holiday fun.