Yearly Archives: 2018


Defending Your Battle Space

In the event of an active threat, your personal battle space can span from hundreds of yards to conversational ranges. These can be divided into three discernible distances: long range, confined areas and non-ballistic contact ranges. How you will defend your personal battle space depends on the distance and weapon(s) used by your attacker(s). At [...]

By | March 5th, 2018|Personal Security|Comments Off on Defending Your Battle Space

Forewarned is Forearmed

Living in a world where extreme physical violence can erupt at a moment’s notice, it’s important to be armed with more than only one weapon. Make no mistake, the most effective way to stop a bad guy shooting at you, is a good guy, you, with a gun plus the skills to stop that threat. [...]

By | January 19th, 2018|Personal Security|Comments Off on Forewarned is Forearmed